Everything was going pretty smoothly. I'm not sure it could have been any better. Bella and I were getting along great, we'd settled into a comfortable routine. It was the middle of November, and the deadline to include our families in our little secret was quickly approaching. We weren't so much concerned that we wouldn't be accepted, but more that this perfect little cocoon of paradise that we had created would tumble around us if we changed the equation that made it all possible. Bella had already told her mom that she was seeing someone, and from what we'd discussed, it was clear that her mom and step-dad were eager to meet me. The next step was to inform my family. It was obvious to them that something was different in my life, and one Friday night, as Bella and I lay in bed, our naked bodies pressed against one another, I listened as her heart returned to its normal steady rhythm and her breathing calmed. The sound of her voice broke through the quiet dark around us.
"Yes, Love?"
"We need to tell your family. I think...." Her voice trailed off as she carefully picked her words.
"You think we need to, or you know, because I don't want you to feel backed into a corner over this." My fingers combed through her hair, getting snared in the tangles I had put there.
"No, I know I'm ready to let them know. I'm tired of trying to keep us a secret any longer. What do you think?"
What did I think? I fucking thought it was great! I was just stunned that she chose this moment of post coital bliss to discuss officially meeting my parents and brother. Being nervous over how Bella would react to my Adams Family-esque clan. She'd already met Em at the Halloween party; she more than proved that she could hold her own with him. I knew Mom and Dad would love her, but these weren't exactly the mental images I wanted just after ravishing the woman I loved.
"Um, well, I think that's great, hon. When did you want to do this?"
"The sooner the better. Next weekend, maybe? We'd need to talk to Masen first, right? Or how do you think it'd be best to handle that?"
"I'll talk to Masen, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I mean, it is a big deal, but if we're cool then he'll follow our lead. He already adores you; I can't imagine him being uncool with this. In fact, I'm gonna tell him later this morning when he wakes up -. That way he has tonight and tomorrow to get used to the idea before heading back to school. I also think that it'd be best if I just told my family that I'm seeing someone and that I'd like them to meet her, uh- you. That okay? It'll be less painful for you, too."
"I'm a big girl, Edward, but I get what you mean. Less hype and drama. I'm all for less drama. When should we do dinner then, and where?"
"I can tell you right now, when I confirm what those four have been suspecting, Esme is going to want you to come to the family dinner on Sunday. This Sunday. Are you up for that?"
"Pffft! Of course, please! I survived the Troll and won her over, and I beat Emmett into submission at Allie's party. I can handle anything your family throws at me."
"You did great at the party, baby, but you haven't seen Emmett at full throttle yet. He can be a bit much. But I'll be there to pound the shit out of him if he gets too out of line."
"I'm not worried about your brother. Before the night is over I'll have him eating out of my hand. From what I've seen and what you, Alice, Jazz and even Mini have told me about him, Em's just a set of walking bagpipes. Believe me, I can blow just as hard as he can."
"I know how well you can blow, sweetheart." Bella misinterpreted my statement and slowly began to make her way down my body, "Wait, that's not exactly what I meant. But -- whoa. If you wanna show me, that's fine by me...."
That was the end of our conversation for the night. We spent the rest of our time together reminding one another of our varied talents.
The next morning, I was home by the time Mini Me woke up. He went about his usual Saturday morning routine: he shuffled to the kitchen to assemble his bowl of Captain Crunch and then moved to the living room floor where he settled in for a few rounds of his favorite Saturday morning cartoons . The kid rarely watched T.V. so I didn't mind that he watched a few hours a week of "brain rot," as his grandfather referred to it. I let him spend his morning with the likes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Scooby-Doo, and Ms. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I joined him on the floor for a little mindless male bonding. When he'd had his fill I asked if he was up to a little wave action.
"Hey, munchkin, wanna hit the beach for a while? I can get the boards out and ready, not to mention that you should probably get a few more uses out of that wetsuit before you outgrow it. Whatcha say?"
"Yeah, Dad, sounds great. Just give me a minute, okay?"
"Sure, take your time. I'll head down to the garage to get the boards and the wax. Grab some towels on your way out."
"Yeah. Cool."
This was nothing new. We spent at least some part of each weekend in the water or on the sand. Just one of the perks of beach condo living. My hopes were to get him out in the water and talk to him between waves. The waves weren't great, but we'd be able to catch a few, and I'd get the chance to talk. Masen's small form crested the dunes as he ran towards where I'd laid our boards and started scraping them down. His was all prepped for the wax and he took over from there. I started in on mine. We worked in silence for a while, hunched over our boards. Then, when everything was good and waxed, we both headed into the surf. To his credit, he never commented on the cool temp of the water or how uncomfortable it was bound to be once we got all the way in it. This was just another sign to me that the little boy I was raising was growing into a young man faster than I'd ever expected. It also reminded me that he deserved a mother figure in his life to help him grow in tenderness equally as much as he needed my influence to show him how to grow to be a man. That fact strengthened my resolve to tell him about Bella, and that this was the right thing to do.
Bella. I wondered what she was up to. Was she at the beach too? Would she be sunning on her roof deck? Doing laundry? Maybe even washing her bikes down... each thought conjured an image of the woman, and I felt my body respond despite the waist deep cold water. I nodded toward the waves and hopped up onto my board, "Let's do this." My man-child simply replied, "Coolio."
Masen lay flat on his board and reached out for a fist bump before paddling out into deeper water. We caught a few good ones. I took the opportunity to sit back and watch my son surf. He'd improved so much this past summer. It helped that he had a growth spurt and that we'd spent almost every free moment in the water; even if the waves had been flat we'd spent hours closer to shore on the skim boards hydroplaning in the shallows. Because of it, his balance and confidence had really taken off. I was damn proud of the boy before me in more ways than I could count.
Something else occurred to me. I hadn't yet talked to him about his mom moving to live nearby. I'd been holding off telling him, hoping and praying that I'd get a call from Jess saying that she'd changed her mind. No such fucking luck. Just the opposite, she'd called last week. I let the call go to voicemail, and when I checked the message later she confirmed that she'd be here over Christmas break to look for places to live and a part-time job to supplement her income. I was glad I hadn't answered; she actually had the audacity to suggest that she stay with Masen and me while she was here. Uh, yeah, right. Not gonna happen. Ever. I didn't give a fuck if she was trying to save money, she wasn't staying under my roof ever again. Period. I was also reminded that I'd yet to tell Bella. That small oversight was probably worse than not telling Mini, but between keeping us a secret, the impending meeting between her and the rest of the family, and all the work we had down at Eclipse, it simply slipped my mind. I resolved as my son paddled back to my side that I'd tell her this week. Or maybe next week. But definitely by the following week. Yeah, so maybe I was avoiding that conversation.
"Did you see that last one, Dad? It was huge!"
"Yeah, dude, I did, and you killed it! Rode it all the way in! You may have the makings of a pro surfer, MM!" He paddled up along side of me and I reached out to tousle his hair playfully.
"No way! The pros have all surfed the major shores by the time they're my age. This is just a hobby, anyways. Music is my thing."
"I know that. Speaking of which, how's school?"
"Fine, good, the usual. Why do you ask?"
"No reason. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about a few things while it’s just us. You down?"
"You mean while Uncle Em isn't around? Sure, Dad."
"Yeah, I love that man, but...."
"He's an ass."
"What? He is, and I've heard you call him a lot worse."
"True on both counts, but he is your uncle, and you shouldn’t talk that way. Remember what Grandma Esme said about using foul language? Unless you have no desire to see your eighteenth birthday, I suggest you refrain from using those kinds of words."
"Fine. Can I just call him a dumb donkey or a mule? It means the same thing, but I'm not swearing."
"Whatever. Just don't be disrespectful."
"Yes, sir!" We bobbed on the surface of the water. The tide was going out, and we probably wouldn't see many more surf-able waves that morning. "What else did you want to talk to me about?"
It was now or never. I'd always been honest with him, and the straight forward approach worked best. I dove straight in.
"Well, I really wanted to talk to you about Miss B."
"Masen, Bella and I are seeing one another. We've been dating for a few months now, and we really like each other. I thought it was time you know. I can answer any questions you might have, but it’s important that you know that this changes nothing between you two; everything will continue as it has as far as your lessons and school. The only thing that might change is that we'd all spend more time together."
I was a little confused when my son didn't make any comment at all. None. Zip, zilch, zero. I was beginning to think telling him was a bad idea, "Masen? You okay, man? You're awfully quiet over there."
He looked up out to the shore ahead of us. Thinking.
"You're seeing Miss B?"
"And she'll still be my teacher and tutor?"
"And I'll get to see her more?"
"Probably, yes."
"That's it? 'Cool?' That's the only thing you have to say about the situation?"
"What else should I say?"
"You don't have any questions?" He thought about this for a moment.
"Well.... Does anyone else know? Besides you two and me? Is this a secret?" Damn, the kid was smart.
"Um, Aunt Alice and Uncle Jazz know. I'm going to tell everyone else sometime this week."
"What about school? Should I be talking about this in school?"
"I wouldn't suggest it. It’s not really a secret, but the other kids might give you a hard time if you talk about it. Besides, it’s not your business to tell. This is between Miss B and me, and if she wants people at school to know then she'll tell them, okay?"
"Okay. Sounds cool. Can she come over for dinner tonight?"
And with that my son knew about my relationship with his teacher. I could only hope things went that smoothly when I informed the other members of my family. Something told me I didn't have that much luck, and things would probably go much differently. At least with one member in particular.
"Okay, sure. We can invite Bella over for dinner if you'd like." That was all the prompting my son needed. He launched into planning the night's menu like he was Martha Stewart's bastard child. He started in for the beach; surfing forgotten. Once we got back on dry land we toweled off and headed towards the condo.
"Yeah! So, what are we gonna make for her? We know she likes spaghetti, but we have that all the time. What about grilling some steaks, or maybe shrimp on the barbi?" He laughed at his own joke, I smiled at his attempt at an Aussie accent, and we roughhoused on the way back; I'd try to step on the leash of his board and trip him up, he'd jump out of the way and try to do the same to mine. We were laughing pretty hard by the time we made it up the path through the dunes to the complex. "So, what do ya think?" That kid had a one track mind when he wanted to.
"I think you'd be better off with walking lessons than piano lessons," I stepped on his leash and he faltered a little before falling back into step. "Walk much, MM?"
He rammed the side of his whole body into mine unsuccessfully trying to knock me over, "Shut it, Dad. You know I was talking about dinner, and cut that out!"
"Okay, fine. Bella can come over and we can have anything you want for dinner, but I think we should work on getting some lunch first." I took a leap of faith and decided to give him all the news at once. Hell, he'd taken the info about Bella so well, maybe he'd do the same with the bomb about Jessica.
"Masen, there's something else you should know. Your mom called. She wants to see you."
"Yeah? Um, okay...- but not tonight, right?"
"What?" I was confused, "Wait, no, not tonight, big guy. Actually, she's moving back and she wanted to see you when she's here at Christmas time getting things settled. Would you be up for that?" I watched my son's face carefully as he considered his answer. He hadn't seen Jess much these past few years. Once or twice a year at best, but even less recently. I could almost hear his brain working.
"Can I think about it, Dad? I mean I probably will see her, but- I don't know."
"Sure, son. I understand. It's your call, and I'll back up any decision you make. Just know that I'm here for you to talk to. About anything, okay?"
"Sure, old man. I know that. Now, how about that lunch?"
"Fine, let's get these boards put away and then head upstairs. Wanna do simple? What about sub sandwiches?"
"Cool. Then we can call Miss B about dinner! Hey, could she bring Mr. D. with her?" Great... now the Beast was going to be violating me on my turf, too.
"Let's work on lunch first, okay. If Bella says it’s okay, then Darcy can come over." I begrudgingly conceded to the last part.
Mini's fist punched the air, "Yeah! I can take him down to the beach and play Frisbee with him!" Masen suddenly got quiet. "Um, Dad? I won't have to watch you and Miss B make out or anything, will I? 'Cause that's just nasty."
Ah, my son, the romantic.
After lunch I let Masen call Bella and invite her to dinner. He was adorable as he asked her what she'd like to have. He gave her a few options and I heard them decide on a "surf and turf" theme. I was hoping that was something Bella called it and he'd just repeated, otherwise I was close to positive that he was indeed Martha's bastard child. He sure as hell didn't learn that shit from his old man! The phone was passed to me, and Bella and I talked for a moment. We decided on a time: five-thirty. I made a list of what I'd need to run to the store for, and she double checked that it was okay to bring Darcy. I told her as long as he knew that this was my crib, and that I was Alpha male here. Bella wanted to know if I intended to stick my nose in his crotch to show him who's boss. I told her no way, but that I'd be happy to do that to her later that night if she stuck around long enough.
We had a lazy Saturday waiting for Bella to arrive later that evening. I decided to get everything out in the open and called my parents. I simply told them that I'd been seeing someone lately and I'd like them to meet her sometime soon. Mom didn't disappoint. Within ten minutes she had the general story of how we met, Bella's stats, and had strong armed me into bringing her to the Cullen Family Sunday dinner the next night. I said we would be there and I could hear Esme's joy through the phone. Next I considered whether I should call my brother. I decided it never hurt to lay a little smack down. I'd let him know I was bringing someone to dinner the next night, and warn him that if he didn't behave himself he'd be sucking everything he ever ate in the future through a fucking straw. The phone rang so many times I almost hung up and forgot the whole thing. When Emmett answered the phone he seemed distracted and out of breath.
"Hey, there bro, it's just me, not one of your 1-900 calls you work in your spare time, so you can cut the breathy shit."
"Shut it, Eddie Erotica, I was working out when I heard the phone ring. I thought you might be Rose calling, otherwise I wouldn't have rushed to the phone. What's doing with you?"
"Eh, nothing really. Mini and I caught a few waves this morning, and now we're just hanging. Thought I'd call your place, see what you're up to."
"Like I said, working out. I was about to head down to run on the beach, wanna join me?"
"No, thanks. I have some errands to run, then Mini and I are making dinner together. Besides, I learned to never run with the likes of you."
"Why, because my fuck awesome body threatens you?"
"More like I'm scared you'll bust me in the knee caps with that third leg of yours and I'll never walk again!"
"Hey, I can't help it if I'm hung like a race horse!"
"Don't insult the equine world, Emmett, and don't flatter yourself. You, minus the Calvin's, plus running equals wrong. Not to mention dangerous. You could put somebody's eye out with that thing! Why do you insist on running commando any way? No, forget that I asked, I really don't wanna know."
"Whatever, you know you're just jealous that I got all the balls in this family. So what did you want, Eddie, if not to discuss my incredibly gifted package?"
"I just called to tell you that I'm bringing someone to dinner tomorrow. She's important to me, so don't pull any of your usual shit. You got it?"
"Whoa! You bringing some fresh meat home to bone?"
"Don't be crass, asshat. I mean it. No messing with my date or I'll be feeding you your equine sized balls through a straw."
"Okay, chill! You gotta lighten up, bro. So, tell me, who is she...? Where did you two meet? Who gets to be on top? Who gets their toes painted by the other first? How long have you two been bumping uglies?"
"Annnd, this conversation is finished. Good-bye, Emmett. Just remember to keep your foot out of your mouth and your head out of your ass, okay? I will not hesitate to fuck you up if you ruin this tomorrow. Please, just be on your best behavior?"
"Uh- yeah, sure, E-Man. See you and your lady friend at dinner tomorrow. I'll try not to get her all hot and bothered simply by being in the same room with all of this." I could picture him making an obscene gesture with his afore mentioned package. It was easy to do; Em was known for his creative gestures and offensive sense of humor.
I reminded my brother that our parents, his wife, his sister, and his nephew would be there at dinner and all eyes-slash-ears would be on him. He assured me again that he'd behave. Why was it that I didn't trust that Goliath of a man as far as I could throw him?
Masen and I left for the grocery soon after that. I hurried to grab the necessary ingredients for tonight. With every item I tossed in the basket I felt as if I was getting closer to Bella. As I stood in line waiting to check out my mind wandered to a favorite new memory of my girl. She was a never ending curve ball. Just when I thought I knew what to expect from her- she did something like, well...
It had been a long day last Thursday. It was one of those rare evenings where I had to go back to the garage after putting in a full day there. I never minded being in the shop, it was a kind of catharsis for me to get my hands dirty, to watch a bike come together piece by piece and know that I brought this into being. One might think my favorite moment of building a bike would be when the beast is complete and it roars to life for the first time. That's an awesome moment, but the moment I live and work for is when I look at the bike and it looks like the computer generated image tacked to my project board. That instant when the picture I've had in my mind of this object is before me in 3-D and I can reach out and run my hands over it. Caress it. I'm a very tactile person.
The bike I'd been working on was almost to that point, and it was a very special bike. Like all of our custom rides it had very detailed specs. It was a smaller bike then we normally made, but its new owner was a bit on the smallish side. One of the perks to a custom bike was that all the parts of the bike were tailored to fit you and your needs. I was excited that the owner would see it for the first time very soon, and that thought was what had me back in the shop that night. I would have rather used my night of babysitting to spend the evening with Bella, but I had to get this shit done. I'd been working every minute I could to finish up this particular bike. It was a gift some dude was having made for his woman. Normally I wouldn't agree to this kind of thing, I mean, what if she didn't like it? What if the woman didn't want a bike at all? This just wasn't something you could return or alter very easily. You got what you ordered. End of story. But this dumb fucker had been adamant that his lady would love it. After managing to secretly get her measurements, he was anxious for the bike to be finished as soon as possible. Apparently he sucked at keeping secrets and didn't want to have to keep this one any longer than necessary. So I found myself here, on a Thursday night. A night when I would normally get to see Bella, and in her element no less. Instead Alice was taking Mini to his lesson and then bringing him back to her and Jazz's so I could finish this up.
As was my usual routine for when I was alone in the shop, I had the music blaring. It was getting darker earlier now, so I had the doors shut. There was rarely any crime in our part of town, but I wasn't about to be the one that statistic was blown on. I never was a neat builder. The bike always stayed impeccable, it was just easier to keep it clean than to have to rub out the grease later. Me, on the other hand... it wasn't unusual for me to be covered from finger tip to elbow in some type of motor oil, paint, chrome polish, or grease. I did at least try to keep my clothes clean. You never knew of a client would stop in to discuss a design or look over their order, so I opted for a towel that I kept tucked in my waist band. Since I was alone and there was no chance of any surprise visits from clients, I pulled off my black Eclipse Choppers polo shirt and stood to circle the bike that was firmly strapped to the lift. I walked over to the check list on the project board and gave it the once over. Satisfied that I could knock off most of the items on the list I cranked up the music a little more with the tiny white remote and let Poison's "Nothin' But A Good Time" fill the air.
An oldie, but a goodie. Let's do this, Cullen.
I sat on one of the low, rolling stools and went to work, making adjustments, connecting hoses, splicing wires, priming pistons, fitting belts. It didn't take long to acquire the hands of a grease monkey. The wife beater I wore was smudged beyond repair, so I wiped some of the excess grease along the front. Apparently, Emmett had been listening to the stereo earlier, 'cause the next song to come up in the playlist was "Next Go Round" by Nickelback. Man, this song reminded me of everything I wanted to do to Bella every minute of every day. My dick seemed to share that opinion; it was straining against my pants like it was claustrophobic. Hell, when wasn't it anymore. I'd thought it had been bad during the Sexbargo, but since that had ended things had only gotten more intense. Not that I was complaining, but it did make it difficult to walk at times. Hell, I had a hard time stringing together a coherent thought that didn't involve my lower extremity anymore.
I was lost in the lyrics and focused on my task. I didn't hear anything but the sound of the music pounding and the metallic ratcheting of bolts tightening, so I was taken by complete surprise when a single black leather stiletto-heeled boot came to rest on the platform next to me. "Nice chopper, Cullen." I jumped clear out of my skin. I followed the smooth black leather, noticing the red soles and the insanely thin heels as the butter soft leather flowed heavenward along a thin leg, up over the bent knee that was inches from my face, and hugged the soft flesh of a bare thigh. Thigh. Highs. I swiveled to continue the view that was behind me. There stood Bella, my Bella- more beautiful than I had ever seen her before. Above the fuckhawt thigh highs she wore a tiny denim skirt topped with a black tank top with the Eclipse logo in hundreds of tiny, shiny stones. I desperately wanted to rub my eyes to be sure it wasn't a hallucination, but my hands and arms were covered in grease. I shook my head trying to clear it, but when I opened my eyes she stood there still. Her hands on her hips, that thigh so close to my head.
"Bella? What are you doing here? I thought you and Mini had a lesson tonight...." My sex addled brain had obviously checked out on the fact that it was way past time for Mini Me's lesson to be finished.
"We did. Alice picked him up and took him home. Imagine my disappointment when I opened my door to your spiky haired, evil-fairy sister instead of you. I was crushed when my dear friend informed me that you would be working late tonight and she'd pick Masen up from his lesson as well. I look forward to seeing you at my door every Thursday evening, Edward."
"Were you? Disappointed, that is. So you decided to just stop by the shop?" I found it difficult to breathe, much less swallow.
"Sure. Why not? I knew you'd be here late, and I figured, 'What the hell?'"
"Did you happen to teach my son in that outfit, or was this something you put on just for me?" I mentally counted down how much longer I had before I needed to have "the talk" with the man-child. I figured I had two years tops, by my calculations. That time would be greatly cut down if Masen ever saw Bella in this outfit. My gaze took her in from head to heel. Damn. Her voice was husky, but playful when she answered.
"No, silly Grease Monkey. I changed before I came. I ordered these boots online and they came in today. I've been dying for you to see them. They're surprisingly comfortable. I could probably wear them marathon shopping with Alice."
The song switched to one of our favorite songs; Jay Sean's "Fire" blared over the speakers. We both chuckled a little, and she reached for the remote to turn down the music a little.
"You look… amazing."
"Really? You like this?" She stepped back so I could get the full effect of the outfit. I motioned for her to turn a full 360 degrees.
"Yes, I really like it." Her hair hung loose around her shoulders, obviously windblown. Something occurred to me then, "Bella, did you ride your bike over here… dressed like that?"
"Yes, and these boots were not made for riding motorcycles. They're made for one thing and one thing only. Wanna know what that is, Edward?"
I swallowed hard and nodded my head in consent.
Her voice had a low, husky tone;, her mouth was suddenly very close to my ear, "Sex." With that she brought the bright sole of her left foot up and rested it gently on my thigh. The position afforded me the perfect view straight up the tiny skirt she was wearing. To add to my shock and delight I made another discovery. "Bella," her name rumbled in my chest, "You aren't wearing any panties."
She giggled an all-knowing sound, "Edward, didn't you know? That's Vicki's best kept secret: 'Bare with nothing there'."
I forgot everything. Where we were, what surrounded us; all I knew was that Bella was standing before me hot as hell and all but begging me to fuck her. I grabbed her by the ass and pulled her even closer. I could smell the leather that covered her skin; I nuzzled the tender flesh of her thigh that peaked out between the top of the boots and the hem of her skirt. My tongue followed, and drew gentle sweeping circles disappearing up under the denim. She gasped as I drew closer to her bare secret I had seen moments earlier. I looked up at her, confirming my intentions to continue further along her buttery smooth skin until I reached my destination. Her hands combed through my hair, brushing back the strands that had fallen in my face. She grasped fists full of it just as I reached the sweet juncture between her thighs. We both moaned when my tongue slid along her sex. Her knees buckled a little as I worked her, sucking and licking the supple flesh.
"Ugh, Edward.... More. Touch me, baby."
I desperately wanted to. Wanted to be inside of her, feeling the responses I was coaxing from her body. But I remembered my grease covered hands. I smiled against her soft skin, relishing how her hips ground and strained to gain more contact. Teasing and tasting her I answered between licks, "My hands... are covered... in... grease... love."
She moaned in protest. With one more long, deliberate lick I pulled back away from her, pausing to tell her that I would wash my hands and be right back. She begged me to hurry, and my promise to do so was a swipe of my tongue back up her inner thigh where I sucked a hard, quick draw. Knowing full well there'd be a purplish mark there shortly. I grinned at the thought of my mark on her private skin, where only I could see where I'd been. She bent to kiss me, tasting herself on my lips and tongue.
We reluctantly broke the kiss, and just as we did the rusty hinges on the side entrance door squealed in protest as it was flung open forcefully. I only knew of one person who opened a door that way. Part of me prayed it was him, the other part shuddered at the thought. Instinctively, I pulled her to me in a protective hold; folding her tiny frame into my own. I heard the booming voice as his huge frame filled the doorway.
"Wat up, MoFo? What the hell are you doing working here this late--"
That's obviously when he realized that I wasn't alone. I turned to the side a little to shield Bella from his view. It was unnecessary, as her face was buried deep in my chest, her hands fisting my undershirt in a vice grip of death.
"Emmett," I literally growled his name.
"Whoa, little bro, I had no idea you had company. Was I interrupting something?" His tone insinuated that he was less than concerned with whether he was indeed interrupting or not. Asshat. With every drop of sarcasm I could muster I answered my tard of a brother.
"No, Em, you're not interrupting anything. What makes you think you're interrupting?"
"Really? You sure about that? "Cause those greasy hand prints on your girl's ass tell a different story."
A quiet groan escaped from the woman I held. She whispered, "I'm going to the bathroom. Get rid of him." Her demand was gentle but firm. Bella slipped from my arms, her hair a curtain around her; shielding her identity. I watched as she retreated behind me to the employee bathrooms. Two perfect, dark hand prints were stamped on the back of her skirt, one on each ass cheek. They swayed as she walked away. I turned back to face my brother, wondering how we could possibly share DNA.
"Emmett. What are you doing here?"
"Hey, man, had I known you were giving a private tour of the shop I would have knocked first or some shit like that. Who's the pussycat? Those are some fuck hawt boots!"
"I wasn't expecting her myself. Now, what the hell did you want?"
"Honest, E, I was coming down to see if I could lend a hand, but you obviously don't need any help. You apparently know exactly where everything goes. At least as far as hand placement is concerned. I'm a boob man myself, but I'm all for a good ass grab!"
I ripped the towel from my waistband and chucked at him as hard as I could.
"Shut it, and get lost, dumb ass!" Em easily caught the rag, wringing it in his hands.
"I'm the 'dumb ass'? I'm not the one who didn't hang a towel on the knob! That's the universal 'Do not disturb' sign, Eduardo! Or has it been so long since you got a piece that you'd forgotten that?"
"I didn't forget! Just go! Get. Out. Now. And hang the towel on the door on your way out, Romeo."
"Going, Captain Boner! Damn. You think you'd be in a better mood knowing you were gonna get laid."
He whipped the towel in my direction, causing it to snap. A loud crack echoed through the air like a punctuation mark. I was greatly relieved when he turned to leave, but not before turning to call back loudly over his shoulder, "His hands look good on your ass. Good luck getting that grease off, doll face!" There was no doubt in my mind that Bella heard what he'd said. Thankfully she was smart enough to stay in the bathroom until after he'd left. Otherwise our secret would have come to a premature end. Something I sure as hell hoped hadn't happened to our evening.
Bella cracked the bathroom door and peeked out.
"Is he gone?"
"Yes, babe. Come on out."
She emerged slowly from the safety of the bathroom. I walked over to the door that minutes earlier my brother had burst through and locked the damn thing. Bella and I had a bizarre thing about people walking in on us. We really needed to get into the habit of locking doors behind us. Hell, we could be screwing like bunnies if we had the foresight to lock a fucking door! She crossed the room to me and stopped near the bike I'd been working on. Silently she reached down, picked up the remote and turned the music up. Then she motioned for me to come to her; her finger curling and beckoning me closer. I held up my hands, reminding her that I had business to take care of. Making fast work of cleaning up, I obeyed her earlier request.
Everything about Bella at that moment radiated beauty and confidence. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her into a deep kiss, "Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"
"Um, here, actually, but we were about to go a lot further. At least, I hope we were." She used the remote to flip through the playlist to find the song she was looking for. I tried to distract her from her task by peppering her neck and chest with kisses. I ground Little Edward against her hips, letting her know I was ready and willing. It confused me when she gently pushed me away and stepped back from my hold. A song poured from the speakers as she strutted a few steps away to a rolling stool. In a smooth, fluid motion she kicked it towards me. I stopped it with my own foot. "Sit," she commanded. And I obeyed.
Bella moved a few steps closer to where I awaited her next command; she was obviously in control of this evening’s activities. I didn't have to wait long. "You, watch me. Keep your eyes right here," she ran her hands down the length of her body.
"Yes, ma'am!" Her beautiful smile was my reward for obeying. Or so I thought. That's when she spun around, her back facing me. Then she bent from the waist and ran her hands up along her legs from toe to thigh, offering me the perfect view of everything up under that handkerchief-sized skirt of hers. As she turned back to face me her hands moved to the button at her waist. When that had been popped loose she slowly lowered the zipper. Her thumbs hooked into the waist and started to tug the denim downward... and stopped. My mind screamed, "Tease!"
She offered her back to me yet again. This time she reached for the hem of her tank top, and, with a brief glance over her shoulder at me to make sure I was still watching, yanked the shirt up and over her head. The skin of her bare back flashed momentarily before her hair cascaded down to shroud it again. The shirt came flying at my head and smacked me in the face before I gathered enough composure to manage any motor skills to block it. She moved to the beat of the music, fluid and sensuous. The skirt slid over her hips as she guided it down her body. The motion was slow and deliberate and sexy as hell. Little by little her delicious ass was revealed to me. Even sexier was her looking back over her shoulder to watch me watching her. Carefully she stepped out of the skirt, leaving only the thigh high leather stilettos on.
She continued to move to the music. I was desperate for her to turn and face me. While the view of her bare ass and hair swaying to the music was more than stimulating, I really wanted to see the "main attraction," so to speak. Occasionally I would catch a side glimpse of a boob, but she continued to tease and taunt me until I was practically fucking writhing from the want. My hand reached down to adjust the bulge in my shorts. I involuntarily moaned at the contact and her head whipped around to see me in mid-adjustment. She must have thought I was trying to relieve some of the growing tension.
"No, no, no... none of that! That's my toy! What you want is over here." I moved to claim what I wanted, but was ordered back to my stool. "Park it, Cullen. You touch what and when I tell you to. Just watch for now."
Bella then turned to face me and I nearly fell off the stool at the sight of her naked in those heels. She made her way to me, standing before me, barely moving her body. The slight movement reminded me of waves rolling onto the shore. I pictured her making the same moves as she straddled me. My hand reached out to touch her perfect skin, but she stepped just out of reach, chastising me for trying. For a heartbeat the room went quiet as the song switched and "S.E.X." by Nickleback ripped through the room. A grin crept across her face as a single finger slid down my arm, starting at my bicep and swirling around the ink that stained my wrist. She made her way behind me, her hand barely brushing along my shoulders from right to left. Involuntarily, I shuddered at her touch. I felt her lean into me as she whispered, "Lose the shirt." In a flash the wife beater lay in a heap on the garage floor.
She came around full circle, and stood before me. She stepped closer to me, and I spread my legs to allow her to stand between them, hoping she would. She obliged and her hands rested on my shoulders. She eyed my skin greedily, drinking in the images she had seen so many times before, but each time she saw them was like the first. "I love your ink. You're so beautiful. I wish I could look at you like this always."
"Funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Never put clothes on again, okay?"
"Well, that might make riding my bike difficult. Indecent exposure and all."
"Damn, baby. You could just ride me. No shoes, no shirt, no problem!" She smirked at my crass joke, but then her face got serious.
Slowly she bent to feather a kiss over each of my eyes, then my lips. My hands lay limp at my sides, aching to touch her, but not yet given permission to. The kisses deepened as Bella's hands roamed over my chest and neck; her fingers finding their way into my hair one moment and then grazing the ridges of my abs the next. Unable to reach out to her, my fists clenched and unclenched. It was sweet release when her voice rose above the music, "Touch. Me. Edward. Put your hands on me." I willingly obeyed, running my hands along her satin skin. Up along her thighs to her hips, over the smooth plains of her abdomen, then around to her back, drawing her closer still. I covered the flesh closest to my mouth with kisses and tender caresses. I explored further north to the supple breasts and the pink peaks, teasing and swirling around the very tips. Her breathing became more like little pants and I reached between her legs to feel the slick heat there. She moaned and her knees buckled beneath her. Hungrily I covered a pert nipple with my mouth when she crumpled at my touch. She moved to straddle one of my legs, granting me better access to her and I responded by pressing two fingers up into her and began pumping in and out. I wanted desperately to be buried deep within her. My erection strained against the zipper, so much that I wondered if I'd have a permanent imprint of the fucking thing on my dick before the night was over.
Bella's nails scratched almost painfully down my chest and over my stomach.
Fuck! That was going to leave a mark! But god, did it feel good!
She made quick work of the button on my shorts and started to unzip them as well. I reached to stop her, only because I wasn't wearing any underwear, and I was genuinely concerned that the frank or beans might get caught in the fucker. I lifted my hips a little off the stool and pulled the waist of the shorts out so she had a little extra room to maneuver. Soon she was tugging the shorts down, or trying to. "Stand up, Edward." Reluctantly, my hand stilled in her and withdrew from the soft warmth. Once I had complied with her order she quickly removed the shorts. They joined the rest of our clothes on the garage floor. Like two magnets our naked bodies were drawn to each other. Bella broke the connection and led me by the hand over to the bike I'd been working on when she came in earlier.
"There's something I've been dying to try. I wonder if you'd help me?"
"Please. Like you even have to ask. What's this 'something' you speak of?"
She stepped up on the bike lift next to the chopper. "Is this thing stable?"
"Yeah, it’s strapped down. Not going anywhere," I gave it a firm shake to make my point. The devious grin that spread across her face had my inner teenage boy screaming at the possibilities she had in mind. She tugged me up alongside her on the lift. Her hands slowly roamed along the plains of my body, feeling the ridges and bulges of the muscles tightly bound beneath the skin. With each pass they grew tighter. My hands explored her very familiar form, playing along the tops of the thigh highs she still wore, kissing her deeply, with purpose, hoping to convey that I was more than willing to let her run this show. "What did you have in mind, Bella?"
That's when she turned her back to me and bent over the black leather seat of the bike, her beautiful round ass displayed perfectly for me. I sent a silent thank you to the shoe gods for those heels. She shook that mane of mahogany, looked back over her shoulder at me, and simply raised an eyebrow in invitation. I took myself in one hand, pumping the length a few times, while I smoothed over the toned curve of her ass with the other. I hovered at her slick entrance for a moment, teasing her with the tip of my erection. She moaned as I slowly buried myself in her. My hips pressed against her ass, and I had to concentrate to avoid coming at the sensation of her around me.
Having Bella here, this way was one of my favorite and first fantasies I had of her: me, Bella, a hot bike. Here we were, and I was dammed if I was gonna fuck this moment up because of a case of premature ejaculation! I counted to twenty in Spanish, struggling to recall my high school education. A flash of Senora Villadonaga standing at the front of the class in the giant plastic beaded necklaces that she always wore took care of the P.E. situation that threatened to ruin the moment. Bella chose that moment to grind against me, pressing for more. Being the giving guy that I am, I was more than happy to give her what she wanted.
With a hand on each hip, I pulled back then thrust into her. She cried out in pleasure and I repeated the movement. It didn't take long to get a rhythm going. I slid a hand up along the curve of her spine. I imagined the pristine skin inked there. At the moment all
I could picture was a "Property of Edward Cullen, Sex God Extraordinaire" engraved on a brass plate just above her ass. With each thrust I felt the warmth and tightness as my need for release increase. I reached up and grabbed a fist full of the hair that had fallen over her shoulders. Gently at first, I pulled the long falls, and then harder until her neck arched back towards me. Bella turned her head to look at me; the look of pleasure teetering on the edge of pain had me pushing into her frantically. She strained against the forcefulness of my blows, but pleaded for more as she clutched the leather under her finger tips, crying out for more of me with every thrust. The air was charged with our pants and groans. I felt her tightening around me, contracting with each thrust. We cried out at the same moment, her shattering around me and me shuddering within her, reaching our climaxes together. With little energy left, I collapsed over her bare back. Oh, yeah. I was a sex god and she was my goddess. There only thing I wanted in that moment was to hold her, but the shop didn't afford us many options for that.
On shaky legs, I stood and withdrew from her, placing a kiss on the small of her back where I'd imagined my name etched into her skin earlier. I reached for some nearby paper towels to clean us up before pulling her close to my chest. Her legs wound around my waist. I held her as close as I could and carefully lowered us down onto the stool. Bella nuzzled and kissed along my neck and shoulders. My fingers caressed the lines of her back, arms, and anywhere else they could reach. We sat like this, facing each other, exchanging gentle touches and kisses for what could have been hours. The speakers had long stopped playing any music. The only sounds were us tenderly loving one another. It was the perfect ending to the crazy, unexpected surprise the night had been.
I slid my hand down along her side, over her bare hip, and down her thigh. Finding the zipper to her boot, I gently slid it down, releasing her foot from the heel. When I had both feet bare I urged Bella to hop up. I went to where my Eclipse polo lay and brought it back to her. The sweetest thank you kiss was my reward. She slipped it on, then went to retrieve a backpack that I hadn't noticed before. She grabbed my pile of clothes on her way back to me. I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't dating a naughty girl scout; always prepared, she pulled out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, chucks, and a jacket. The outfit she arrived in went into the bag. On went the jeans, sans panties. That was fucking hot. I had to hold myself back from shoving them down and taking her again, this time on top of the bike. When I'd cleared my head she had the chucks and jacket on, my polo knotted at her waist; showing her curves. I stood there naked, gripping onto my clothes like a moron.
"You gonna get dressed, hon, or you planning to ride home like that?" I snapped out of the Bella induced trance and mindlessly dressed. I didn't bother with the trashed wife beater; I just dumped it in the trash can. Once we were dressed and the shop was back in order, I shut off the lights and locked the place up.
"This was amazing. I never imagined you doing something like this."
"Please, you and I both know you have!"
"Okay, okay, you got me! I've always wanted something like that to go down, but that was so fucking much better than I imagined it! You up for round two at Casa de Swan?" I was so suave using the Spanish. That's something only a sex god like myself would do. Bella was obviously good for my ego if nothing else.
"What about Masen?"
"I called Alice; he's gonna stay with her and Jazz tonight."
"Then by all means, follow me home, big guy."
"Bella, I'd follow you to the ends of the earth."
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