"Eclipse Choppers..... Alice speaking...."
I heard my twin's high pitched, cheery voice carry down from the office through the open door.
"Why, yes, he does.... Yes. May I ask who's calling?" Suddenly her tone changed. Gone were the perky niceties, in their place were short, terse barks. "Oh. Okay. Let me page him and see if he's available."
Alice, AKA Miss Congeniality on speed, is usually nice to everyone, obnoxiously so. So when I heard her sing-song, high octave voice do a one-eighty in mid sentence, I had a feeling that something or someone very unpleasant was on the other end of that phone. Then when she got up from her desk and descended the stairs to the garage floor rather than page whoever she was looking for, I knew it was so. She made a beeline for straight for me. My first thoughts were ones of panic.
Was something wrong with Masen? Had something happened to Bella?
I tried to keep my irrational fears under control as Alice stopped in front of me. For someone as squatty as she was she looked about seven feet tall at that moment.
"Edward. There is a call for you in the office."
"Okay, Alice.... Who is it?" I rose up from the bike I had been squatting next to. Wiping my hands on the towel that was conveniently tucked into the waist band of my jeans, I followed her up to the office.
She answered me without turning to look back at me, "The Wicked Bitch of the East."
Ooooh. Shit. Jessica.
Now I perfectly understood her icy tone. My ex-wife had a way of bringing out the worst in people. It was a gift. I really didn't want to take this call. In fact I could think of a million other uncomfortable things I'd rather do then pick up that handset and press the hold button.
Lay naked on a fire ant hill, after being dipped in honey. Have tooth picks shoved under my fingernails. Wear a dress and heels to the garage. Listen to Hanson's "Mmmm, Bop" on repeat for twenty-four hours straight. All of these equally painful and terrifying, but even if you combined the lot of them, this demented brand of torture would be a walk in the park compared to ten minutes on the phone with Jessica Stanley. Seriously, I would not wish that fate on my most hated enemy.
"Well, are you going to answer the phone or just glare at it? You're ex-bitch is tying up one of our lines. Either answer it or hang up, but do something!"
"Geeze, Alice. Why are you twisting my balls about this? I didn't ask her to call."
"It's not you, E, I just can't stand that woman."
"Really? I would have never been able to tell." The phone let out a little cry, reminding us that it was still in the vice grip of my ex.
"Shut it. Do you want some privacy or could you use the backup?"
"I'm perfectly capable of handling Jessica. Stay or go, it's your call."
"I have to run these mock ups down to Jazz, but I'll be right back. Don't say anything especially demeaning until I'm back to hear it, okay?"
I reached for the phone, pulling in a deep cleansing breath as I did, "Sure thing, sis. I'd hate for you to miss out on all the fun."
Think Band-Aid. Get this over quick, just like you'd rip off a Band-Aid. Sure, it'll hurt like hell for a second, but it'll be a fuck lot better than doing it slowly.
My little pep talk must have helped, 'cause my voice was the picture of serenity when I finally spoke.
"Hello, Edward Cullen.... How may I help you?"
"Edward? Oh mah gawd! It has been ages since I talked to you last! How have you been?"
"Yes, this is Edward. Who am I speaking with, please?" I didn't want to go all "Fucker of the Year" on the wrong person and accidentally say grossly inappropriately rude things to some poor unsuspecting customer. But after hearing the "voice that sank a thousand ships," I was pretty damn sure that this was indeed my ex-bitch, er- wife. Besides, I was stalling so that Alice could get back in time for a front row seat to the smack down that was about to happen up in here.
"It's me, Eddie! It's Jess! Your Jessie!" Man, I had forgotten how horrible her voice truly was, and having it buried so deep in my ear only made it worse. My voice was flat and toneless when I answered her. I wasn't even touching the "your" shit. Nuh-uh.
"Jessica. What are doing calling here?"
"Well. That's no way to greet the mother of your only child."
I swallowed down the bile that rose up in my throat at her mention of my son. Yeah, my son. She was just the egg donor and the incubator as it were. She was best at this: throwing the one and only noteworthy thing she had ever done in her completely self absorbed life up in my face. I detested that I owed to her the one thing that mattered most to me in this world.
Wait, that may have been true a few weeks ago, but not so since Bella had come into my life. Masen and Bella were my world now. I need them both.
"What is it that you want, Jessica?" I made no effort to hide the disgust in my voice.
"Really, Edward. It's been two years since we spoke last, and this is how you're going to act? I guess I'll never understand you."
"Exactly, Jessica. Two years. You haven't called, written, emailed, or even sent as much as a fucking carrier pigeon. How the hell did you think I would react to a call from you?"
"Dammit, Edward! You don't have to be like this! I just wanted to see how you were doing. I haven't contacted you because, well, because I knew that you'd react exactly this way. You can be such a prick when you want to be!"
"Do I really have to remind you that you are the one who called me. Just cut the shit, Jess, and tell me what you want. You never could play the role of martyr very fucking well."
"Fuck you, too, Edward. I was calling to ask how my son was doing in that new hoity-toity school he's been in. Plus I had a few things that I wanted to talk to you about, but I can't talk to you when you're like this. You're so irrational sometimes."
Her son? HER SON! Masen ceased being her son the day she walked out and never looked back. As far as I was concerned, she had no claim to him. The Department of
Children and Families felt the same way I did. Especially after she had terminated all parental rights to Masen. I was dying to scream all this at her through the phone, but my sister chose that moment to enter the office. Alice's touch on my shoulder reminded me of who and where I was. She walked over to the other desk and silently picked up another handset to listen in to the conversation. My voice was calm and smooth when I answered her.
"Jessica, you're right. I'm not helping move this conversation along. You called about Masen? He's well. Very well. He is excelling in his magnet school, and his teacher says he's one of the singularly most talented kids she's ever seen. He's also getting private lessons from her. It's amazing how much he's improved just in the last few weeks. He really is an exceptional child."
My nostrils flared and my eyes bulged as I fought back the deep need within me to shred the woman on the other end of the phone. Alice shot me a look that clearly said, "Rip her a new one, but do it with a smile." So I did.
"That's more like it, Edward. See, you can carry on a civilized conversation without behaving like a psychopath."
"Of course I can, when there's someone fucking worthy of it, but for you, I'll pretend."
As usual, she was clueless to the subtleties of sarcasm. The woman never did get my sense of humor. Or anyone's sense of humor, for that matter.
"I'd thought you would've learned how to play nice at this stage of your life."
"And which stage would that be, exactly, Jessica? You know what, never mind. The shop is really busy and I need to get back to the bike I'm working on, so if I've satisfied your curiosity about my son's wellbeing, then I'll be saying goodbye."
"Wait! Edward! Don't hang up yet! I was also calling to give you some good news...."
"What? That you're moving to Siberia?"
"Not nice, Edward."
"Not gonna apologize. The heart wants what the heart wants."
"Are you going to let me tell you my exciting news?"
"Why the hell not? I haven't got anything better to do than stand here and listen to the sound of your voice. I always did like the way nails sounded on chalkboard."
"Just spill it, Jessica. I've already wasted more of my life than I should have on you. I've got shit to do. Tell me the great fucking news so I can act like I care and get back to my life."
"Fine. I'm moving to St. Auggie. At the beginning of the new year."
I was stunned. Good news? She considered this good news? St. Augustine was fucking tiny! There was no way in hell I was going to....
"Edward? Are you still there? Did you hear me? I said I'm moving to St. Aug-."
"I heard you. I'm just praying that I heard you incorrectly or that this is a really vivid nightmare."
My head was shaking back and forth, trying to clear itself like an Etch-a-Sketch of the horrible news that my ex-bitch was moving to the same small town where I lived. Could this day get anymore fucked up?
"Well, it’s true, and no, you're not dreaming."
"I said nightmare. If this were a dream you'd be moving to Siberia like I'd hoped." Jessica continued with her fan-fucking-tastic news as I just stared blankly at Alice. She, in turn, was staring back at me. Her mouth hung open in disbelief, the shock shining out of her saucer wide eyes like the high beams on a Mac truck. If my displeasure over this situation wasn't evident, then Jessica was ignoring it or she was dumber than I thought. And for years I'd been convinced that she had an I.Q. lower than a rotting log.
"Everything is already settled. I'll come down right before Christmas so I can spend the holidays with you and Masen, and find a house to rent or buy while I'm there. Then I'll come back here to finish packing and move at the first of the year. Exciting, huh?"
Make that an I.Q. lower than a rotting log buried under a pile of manure.
I rushed her off the phone, cringing when she promised to call and let me know when she'd be in town. Was this really happening? Was my ex-bitch coming to spend Christmas with me and the son she'd abandoned as an infant? How Norman Rockwell of her. And the best news of all was that she was coming for good! Yippee!
Fuck. How am I gonna explain this to Masen? Does he even want to see her? I mean, she is his mother. Granted, a mother who has never been a part of his life, but his mother all the same. Could I keep her away from him? Should I?
My head was swimming with a hundred questions. I had none of the answers for them. I turned to see my twin's gaze boring through me. We were both in shock.
I let Alice know with a look that I didn't want to talk right at that moment.
"Fine, but we will discuss what just went down. This affects all of us, Edward. Especially you and Masen, but all of us are going to feel the pain of Jessica's moving here. It’s something that needs to be discussed, that's all. I'm here if you need me."
I didn't answer her; I didn't need to. I knew what she was getting at, and she knew that I needed the space to process the situation. So I headed down to the garage floor to start putting shit together with my hands and doing the same in my head. I'd just squatted down in front of the bike when I heard a wolf whistle behind me. I didn't even bother to look around to see who it was. I just ignored the fucktard that was my brother.
"Hey, hot-stuff! How many squat thrusts do you have to do a day to get an ass like that?"
I really wasn't in the mood, and if he pushed me I was likely to push my fist into his face. Really fucking hard. I decided to continue to ignore him and focus on the bike. Emmett had other ideas, though, and continued to make ridiculous comments. When I didn't even look up at him he walked around me and stood on the other side of the bike I was crouched in front of. It was then that he got a clue. Finally.
"Hey, Edward? What's up with you? You okay, man? 'Cause you sure don't seem like it. Talk to me."
"No thanks, Dr. Phil. I'd rather just do my fucking job and get the hell out of here, okay man?"
There was no trace of our usual lighthearted banter. He knew I meant business. He backed away, his hands up in front in surrender.
"Oh. Gotcha. I'll just do my own work and leave you to your PMSing. Let me know when you're not such a chick and you find your dick, okay? Hey! I'm a poet and I didn't even fucking know it!"
"Yeah, Em, you're a regular Emily DICKinson."
He left me alone after that, and I went to work on the bike. As my mind settled into the monotony of the work my hands were doing it, cleared and calmed. I could feel my body responding to the peace in my head. My heart rate slowed, the tension in my shoulders dissipated, and my head stopped pounding. The familiar sounds of the garage faded into the background, and I had tunnel vision; focused only on what my hands were doing in that moment. As I worked, my mind drifted to the one thing that it went to most often these days: Bella. Once again my heartbeat sped up, but for a different reason all together. My body responded in other ways as well. The real estate in my already crowded jeans became even more scarce, and I had to stand to shift the residents around to better accommodate them. Jasper chose that moment to walk around the corner. He must have had a heaping bowl of Emmett's "Captain Butt-munch" this morning for breakfast, because he started in on me exactly like Em would. Did. Does.
"Whoa, E! Watch where you point that thing, you could put someone's eye out!"
"Shut it, Spunky Brewster. I'm NOT in the mood. Unless you want to be eating the floor of the garage I'd suggest you keep on moving in whatever direction you were headed in."
Jazz wasn't fazed by my moodiness. He came right back at me, his southern drawl more prominent than usual.
"Oh, really? Spunky Brewster? That's a new one. You been watchin' Nick at Nite again, Mr. Ed? That's a horse sized hard on you're sportin' there. You need to head on down to the tracks and visit your filly?"
"Fuck. You. Jasper. And you'd better fuck off or I'll have you licking the floor of the garage clean for the night crew."
About that time I saw my sister's spiky troll doll head pop up over the desk in the office. She knew what was coming.
"I'd like to see you try, stallion. But I have a feeling that big ole situation you have going on right now might impede your ability to wrassle me to the ground."
That did it. I snapped. I'm not a violent person. I mean, I can defend myself, but my first reaction isn't to beat the shit out of someone, least of all someone who's like a brother to me. Someone who will be a brother to me in a few short months. But I was stretched so thin. My mind just snapped. Before I knew what I was doing I lunged at Jazz and we both went flying through the air, narrowly missing a bike that was propped near a lift. We slid across the floor from the force of our fall. Jasper's head made contact with the metal frame of the large garage door.
"Cut it out, fuckers! You almost took out a bike!" Emmett's voice wasn't normally the voice of reason, but at the moment it was both that and the loudest in the shop. That still didn't stop the impromptu round of "My dick's bigger than yours". We jostled for top position, flipping back and forth, trying to pin each other to the cool concrete. At one point I had Jasper flipped on his stomach, and I held his arms behind his back with one of my own. His face was pressed against the floor at a very uncomfortable angle, my knee in his back- it took all of my weight to keep him in the hold. Jazz fought to shift our positions, but I had a point to make, and I'd be damned if I was gonna end up under him.
"I SAID cut it OUT, mother fuckers!" Emmett loomed over us a socket wrench in one hand, the other balled up in a tight fist that meant business. "Don't make me end this for you, 'cause I can assure you that my dick is bigger than either of yours, and I ain't afraid to whip it out and show you tiny peckers, either."
We both lay there panting as we looked up at him. Arms askew, legs entwined as we worked to catch our breath. That's when Masen chose to walk through the door. He looked across to Jasper and me crumpled on the floor, his face scrunched up in confusion.
"What's going on, Dad?"
Jazz and I worked to untangle ourselves and I popped up first. I brushed my hands off on my jeans and offered my hand to my soon-to-be brother. He took it, and with a firm tug I hefted him to his feet. Jazz walked over to the boy he had always thought of as a nephew.
"Aw, nothin' Tex! Your dad and I were just wrasselin' a bit. Of course, I won!" He grabbed the boy in a gentle headlock and gave him a noogie. Mini-Me wiggled free and socked his attacker in the arm.
"Cut it out, Uncle J. Sometimes I wonder if the 'j' stands for 'jerk'! Hey, Dad. Don't forget that we leave early tonight. I have my lesson with Ms. B at her place."
"Right, buddy. I didn't forget. I have a few things I need to tie up around here and then we'll be off. Starting with your Uncle Jazz!" I launched myself at my target, the mock attack threw him off balance and I pinned him to the ground. "Ha! Who's the winner now, butt-munch?" Jazz easily shoved me off of him and stood up to his full height. Masen seemed to take Jazz's explanations at face value, because he didn't mention the scene he'd walked in on again. He grabbed his backpack off the floor and bounded up the stairs into the hug his doting aunt had waiting for him.
The rest of the afternoon passed in relative peace. Jazz and Em backed off, but there was some noise about "paying the piper later," whatever the fuck that meant. As much as I tried to lose myself in the work I was doing, I couldn't escape the sense of dread that something big and hairy was about to blow into town. On a broom. I had no idea what I supposed to tell Masen about Jess moving here. Two years was a long time for a kid, and the memory of a six year old isn't what you'd think it would be. Sure, he remembered his mother, but even when he'd seen her the last time she was here, she'd insisted that he call her Jess. Not "Mom." It irked me to no end, but not for the reasons you might think. I was, hell, I still am baffled at how a mother could walk away from her only child as if he were a bag of opened potato chips and never look back. I guess that's not entirely true. Every few years she'd pop up. She would poof into our lives with her puff of toxic green smoke, wreak havoc and then poof back out again. The after effects left all who came in contact with her reeling and hacking from the noxious fumes that seemed to follow her.
It hadn't been so bad the first few times she deigned to grace us with her presence. Regardless of her decision to distance herself from Masen, we all knew that he needed a mother and there was a part in each of us, no matter how small, that held out hope that Jess would step up to the plate and be Mini's mom. She never did. The worst part was that even when she came around she insisted on holding him at arm's length. He knew that Jessica was his mother, but that didn't hold any meaning for him. Alice and Rose were more mother figures to him than Jess had ever been. Their love was what he based his understanding of motherly love on. He seemed cool with the arrangement, but what do you expect when it's all the kid has ever known and he has no idea that it should be so fucking different. That was before he had gone to school and witnessed what a mother and child look like first hand.
Masen was about five or six when he started asking where his mom was. We had always been honest with him. It was still fucking hard to say to the person you cherish most, that the one person who should be the single most important in his universe didn't want that role. I remember Masen looking at me with his giant, clear blue eyes that were exact replicas of his mother's, and saying to me, "Jessica is my mommy? Then why doesn't she live with us?" I didn't have an answer that a six year old could understand. I knew that at some point we would have to deal with this issue, hell, we'd be dealing with this the rest of his life. But I did know that he needed the care of a mother. The kind of maternal nurturing that only a woman can give.
It was for that reason that our extended family lived so close. Em and Ro, Jazz and Alice all lived in the same condo complex as Masen and I did. Jazz and Alice were just across the hall, the other two were in the next building over. Mom and Dad lived literally five minutes north of us, in the huge house Em, Alice, and I had grown up in. Mom never could part with the house she'd raised her "babies" in, or some shit like that. So she and Dad still lived in the house that was way too big for just the two of them. Masen had three "moms" at his beck and call, more home cooked meals than any kid could eat, kisses and hugs galore, and advice to spare. Hell, the kid should open up an advice stand like the kids in Charlie Brown did. He'd make a killing off all that extra advice he'd gotten from them in his nine short years of life.
Now, with Jess moving here, everything was bound to change in our family. The entire dynamics were shifting, I could feel it. No one had ever liked her; she brought out the worst in everyone around her. She wasn't even here yet and she was affecting me! Jazz and I never fought, yet one little verbal spar had led to us playing "King of the Mountain" on the floor of the Eclipse Garage. I needed to blow off some steam, and quick. Jess being here, temporarily or permanently, was going to put a strain on us all. We'd lived through this once when Jess and I were married. That had not been pretty, and now Jess was coming back. To stay. Would she want more than before? From Masen that is. We all knew she wanted more from me. She never missed an opportunity to tell me how much she "missed" me. And that shit creeped me out every fucking time.
Why would Jessica be moving to St. Augustine of all places, if not to be more involved in Masen’s life? She sure as hell hadn't told me what her reasons were for relocating away from her family and near mine, who hated her. Unabashedly. One thing was certain, Masen was old enough to decide whether or not he wanted Jess in his life. I'd support whatever he wanted, but a shallow, petty part of me hoped that he'd tell her to "fuck off" like he'd told Spewton's kid. Naw, I knew that would piss Bella off. But Bella hadn't met my ex-bitch. I had a feeling that B would give Masen a "get out of jail free" card for this little slip of the F-word, especially after she'd spent five minutes in a room with the woman.
Oh, no. Bella. What would Bella think about my ex moving here and worming her way into our lives? I hoped she wouldn't think that this was just too much baggage or too complicated and walk away. I'd understand if she did. We didn't owe each other anything. Two weeks was nothing, and she was free to walk whenever she needed to. But oh, please god, I prayed that she wouldn't feel like she needed to. Her presence in our lives had been changing us, making both Masen and me different. The changes were only positive. I hoped she'd think we were worth the trouble that would surely follow Jessica Stanley into town.
That night Masen and I drove to Bella's for his lesson. We'd had a good evening at home. Masen's homework was finished, I'd made us flank steak and potatoes on the grill, and I was even able to squeeze a few minutes in on the piano as well. He didn't seem to notice that I hadn't actually eaten very much as he scarfed his food down. I'd eat when Bella and I went to dinner later with Alice and Jazz. Mini would be spending the evening with his Aunt Rosie and Uncle Asshat, er- Emmett. They had some game/trivia night planned while I had a "business" meeting at the "garage" later. Rose would stay at our condo and keep an eye on him, since I'd be home late. Waaaayyyyy late. Hopefully. As Masen did the dishes and straightened up the kitchen I sat down at the keys of my highly glossed piano. I relished the feel of the ivory under my fingers as I dragged my hand down the length of the keys, imagining them being the curve of Bella's side and hip as I did. The notes poured from my fingers as I played a few bars of the "project" that I'd been working on the last week or so. Actually, ever since I'd met Bella. The sound of the instrument calmed and grounded me, much like the woman I was thinking about did.
"You play a lot more now, Dad. I like to hear you."
"I've always played, MM."
"Sure, but you play more now. Before you'd play to show me something, or because somebody asked you to. Now you just play 'cause you want to. Even if there's no one to hear it. I heard you the other day when I was coming back from the pool. I like it when you play, Dad. You're really kinda good, you know."
"Oh, kinda good, huh? Well, I'll just remind you that I taught you everything you know, smart aleck."
"Not true! Ms. B has taught me lots too. This last week had some really mean pieces and now I know them good 'cause she taught me them."
"Well- the proper English would be: 'I know them well,' and did Bella teach you that grammar? That entire response was riddled with crimes against the English language. Maybe she should be working on your Language Art Skills as well as your Performing Art Skills...."
"Oh, Dad. You're soooo funny. So funny I forgot to laugh."
We left not long after that for B's. I was still worrying about telling Masen about Jess' big announcement. I figured the less time he had to worry about what was going on in the grown up world, the better. He didn't need to concern himself with the logistics of his quote-unquote mother right this minute. Just as we settled into the short ride to Bella's, I felt my iPhone vibrate, alerting me to the fact that I had an email. It would have to wait until we had stopped.
Masen hopped off the bike as soon as it rolled to a stop in her drive. His pack slung across his chest, he looked like a little man climbing the steps to the front door two at a time. I strapped his helmet into its spot and joined him at the door. We looked like two kids peering through the widow of a candy shop as we waited for the woman we adored to open the door to us.
We visited for a minute while my son, the ass kisser, walked her dog. It was nice to have a few minutes alone with her; the first in several days. After Masen returned he and B got to work and I left to run a few errands. I ended up back at home to get myself organized for the night. I opted against flowers, mostly because I would never bring flowers to a business meeting, and to have any would set off my all too observant son. Also because that's not the sort of gesture Bella would have appreciated. Oh, my girl loved getting flowers, don't get me wrong, but she'd have been much more impressed if I'd shown up with a fist full of original sheet music to play for her. Seeing as my little "project" was not yet completed, I decided to go with nada, and just show up. My car seemed to have a somewhat calming effect on her, at least I think she was calm. She wasn't saying very much.
I knew that she'd been a nervous wreck about meeting Alice and Jazz, but I wasn't too worried because I also knew that would all go away once they met. Those two could get along with rabid dogs. Soon we were off to dinner with my sister and soon to be BIL (brother-in-law). I'd started calling him "Bill" when he would let the inner troll in Alice boss him around. He didn't like the new nickname much, and threatened to "pound my head in" each and every time I called him "Bill," which turned out to be often. (Alice can be quite the bossy troll when the mood strikes.) Bella smoothed the material of her dress over her thighs as she sat next to me. There was this odd feeling wafting off her, charging the air, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly.
"You okay, hon? You seem kinda antsy...."
"What? Oh, I'm fine, Edward. Just a little nervous, that's all. I hope they like me. This is a big thing- meeting your family. Well, some of your family."
"You have nothing to be worried about. Alice is a pistol, but she's great! And Jazz? His bark is worse than his bite. Just be yourself and they'll love you. Besides, I'll be right next to you, my arm around you or holding your hand. Whatever you need, baby, I'm here with you."
"I think I could do just about anything as long as you were there with me. Especially dressed like that. You clean up very nicely, Mr. Cullen."
I reached across the console and stroked her cheek, and clasped her hand in mine.
"I think you could do just about anything, regardless."
"Yeah, well... you're kinda biased."
To confirm her point, I brought her hand to my face and pressed a worshipful kiss to her hand. It was becoming more and more difficult to imagine my life without her in it. A day with Bella was a good day indeed.
By the time the night rolled to an end Alice and Bella were on their way to becoming friends. Except that apparently there was a minor squabble during one of the pilgrimages to the ladies' room about which Boy Bad was better: *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys. Whoever the fuck they were. Bella was all about the *NSYNC and Alice was most assuredly a "BSB girl"? Both agreed to disagree but not before promising to have an "old skool dance off" sometime in the near future to determine who would be crowned the "Kings of Boy Bad Land." There was no fucking way I was going to miss that shit.
When I dropped B off that night I walked her to her door, it was obvious that this would not be the night that the ban on the smexin' would end. Dammit. I still had a lot of steam to blow off. I made a mental note to wake up a little early and go for an extra long run in the morning. Then come back for some "me" time in the shower. There had to be a way out of this arrangement, or at least a way around it. It might not be so bad if I had a time frame, a date that I could mark off on my calendar: "Nookie Granted." I'd have to talk with Bella about that. I'd happily cross out days 'til I could be with Bella again. The thought had my pants uncomfortably tight, and not for the first time that night. To be honest I'd been "uncomfortable" from the moment Bella walked into sight as my son and I waited at her door.
Note to self: Spend quality time in shower TONIGHT, and maybe tomorrow, too.
Yeah, that talk with Bella had to be soon. Very soon.
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